The Green Commute: How Lithium-ion Batteries are Revolutionizing Two-Wheeler Travel in India | Battrixx
The Green Commute: How Lithium-ion Batteries are Revolutionizing Two-Wheeler Travel in India

The Green Commute: How Lithium-ion Batteries are Revolutionizing Two-Wheeler Travel in India

‘The Green Commute’ is one of the most welcome phrases today, as it conjures up images of a picturesque world, safer cleaner air, and more peaceful rides. Far too long, the beauty of the natural world has been marred by the cacophony of human activity. Anything that can silence the noise and restore the harmony of our world, becomes a lifeline to the present and future that we yearn for.

Just to rewind a bit: Till Electric Vehicles arrived on the scene, vehicles that ran on diesel and gasoline, caused massive degradation of the air through CO2 emissions spewing out unrestrainedly. These fossil fuels along-with coal, were the biggest perpetrators causing global climate change, notoriously contributing over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and nearly 90% of all CO2 emissions. The double whammy was that these fossil fuels were also causing rapid depletion of the earth’s non-renewable natural resources, with the millions of vehicles worldwide, consuming these resources at an exponentially higher rate than the ‘regrowth’ rate.

Electric vehicles have truly come as a panacea for the earth’s woes, and of course for human health too. This blog, as the name suggests, focuses attention on how electric two-wheelers (E2Ws), are promoting the ‘Transport Green Revolution’ and how lithium-ion batteries are the catalysts that silently work behind the scenes.

A look at the numbers reveals that there is a conscious shift towards E2Ws, which is very encouraging. The 2023-24 sales of this sector clinched a robust 9,10,930 units, a substantial jump over the 2022-23 sales which were 6,82,937 units. This translates into a mammoth 33.3% Year-on-Year (YoY) increase in electric two-wheeler sales for 2023-24! The near horizon is very bright for this transport section, as the Indian Government’s New Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme 2024 (EMPS 2024) has allocated a total outlay of Rs. 333.39 crores, to boost electric mobility for about 3.33 lakh two-wheelers, by providing up to Rs 10,000 in support for each one, during the period April to July 2024.

While government incentives and policies have definitely propelled the contemporary surge in the adoption of electric two-wheelers; environmental concerns, and the need for cost-effective mobility solutions have also been prominent influencers. On the technical front, lithium-ion batteries have played a pivotal role in electric mobility, with the many benefits they offer such as longer range, faster charging, lower maintenance, and lighter weight, as compared to traditional lead-acid batteries.

So, let’s train our attention on lithium-ion batteries and how they have been revolutionizing two-wheeler travel in India; and in fact, even revolutionizing our country’s environmental and business goals.

The transition of scooters and bikes to electric power is a reality as confirmed by the numbers. This is indeed great for our nation and more so for our urban commutes, as E2Ws powered by lithium-ion batteries have zero tail pipe emission. With the AQI (Air Quality Index) hitherto indicating high toxicity , we can now hope for cleaner air for all, beginning with two-wheeler riders, and including other motorists, pedestrians, and residents too… not forgetting the flora and fauna! The good news is that rapid all-round electric mobility will also mean that the earth will slowly get time to heal, so that we can bequeath our future generation a better cleaner greener world – a revolution that posterity will remember with gratitude to us, who will then be their ancestors!

The enhanced quality of life brought about by the transition to electric vehicles, is not restricted to the air quality alone. Vehicles run on fossil fuels with internal combustion engines have added to the noise pollution and are an assault on the ears of riders, motorists , pedestrians, and residents alike. The high decibels also affect the brain and nervous system over time, increasing stress levels and irritation. Lithium-ion batteries promote silent rides, which are more than welcome, making our commutes enjoyable and reducing the cacophony we had to earlier endure. Thus, by revolutionizing travel in India, lithium-ion batteries are revolutionizing life itself.

Apart from revolutionizing India’s travel-scape, lithium-ion batteries have also encouraged innovation in the Indian electric vehicle industry. Business entities, whether startups or established names, have been substantially focussing their financial and other resources, energy, and R & D on improving battery technology, with the two-pronged mission of enhancing performance and making them more affordable, being keenly aware that high battery costs can be a barrier to transition. The positive ripple effect of the ‘Green Transport Revolution’ also extends to businesses related to charging infrastructure, which are poised to grow substantially across the country, giving a fillip to India’s manufacturing and service sectors too.

Sustainability-wise, lithium-ion batteries have been promoting our nation’s environmental goals of reducing carbon emissions to improve air quality. They also play a pivotal role in bringing down urban decibels, to reduce noise pollution as they silently power E2Ws and other EVs; quite unlike their fossil fuel counterparts that had noisy internal combustion engines. Indeed, thanks to lithium-ion batteries, the hope of sustainable cities has been kindled despite the millions of vehicles that criss-cross urban streets across India almost 24x7.

If you are not yet on the Green Commute bandwagon, its high time to hop on and accrue its many benefits. Make your travel cleaner, greener and healthier for yourself, everyone around you, and for Planet Earth too… Your Green Commute will slowly transform the earth and gift future generations a more pristine world, where the air they breathe will rejuvenate, and not choke them.

Let your Green Commute extend to your other vehicles too, and become a proud eco-warrior. Join hands with Battrixx in the fight for sustainable transportation that makes our world more sustainable too. Our lithium-ion batteries power all kinds of Electric Vehicles: Bicycles, Two-Wheelers, Three-Wheelers, Cars, Passenger Vehicles, Light Commercial Vehicles, Tractors, Golf Carts, Forklifts, and Marine Transportation. We also power Portable Devices, UPS, and Telecommunication Systems.

With Battrixx, your commutes cannot go wrong, because our lithium-ion batteries are designed and manufactured to the highest global automotive standards, as confirmed by the ARAI Certification under AIS 156 Amendment III Phase 2 awarded to us. Our batteries come equipped with Battery Management Systems (BMS), as keeping you ahead of the safety curve is our constant endeavour. Battrixx also stays abreast of the latest in technology, to keep you and your vehicle safe from short circuits, cell overvoltage and under voltage, charge/discharge overcurrent, and over/under temperature.

Browse through our website to explore what we have to offer you, and how you benefit too. Our two-pronged strategy focuses on the earth’s needs, and yours too. Hence our batteries are eco-friendly with zero tail pipe emission; and simultaneously bring you a world of benefits: High energy density; swift charging; light weight; long lifespan; low maintenance, and enhanced safety. We also understand your monetary concerns, hence our R & D department additionally explores ways in which to give you value for money batteries. In short, you get superb performance, with uncompromised safety, at excellent pricing – from Battrixx.

Join the ‘Green Transport Revolution’ with Battrixx lithium-ion batteries and enjoy clean green commutes, every time you hit the road.

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